About Us
April 17, 2020 2025-01-13 11:41About Us
About Our Company
Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care
Welcome to Cliniplex Rx and thank you for taking the time to learn more about our company. We are excited to introduce Cliniplex Rx™, a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services, and remote order entry company based in Irvine, California. Cliniplex Rx™ is owned and managed by experienced, knowledgeable, dedicated, and caring pharmacists, providing innovative clinical pharmaceutical care solutions across the pharmacy spectrum. We provide Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services in many settings including inpatient and outpatient hospital pharmacies, community pharmacies, home infusion, mail order, and LTC facilities, in collaboration with health plans.
To ensure that we provide our clients and patients with qualified, knowledgeable, and experienced professionals, we always conduct a thorough and comprehensive screening process, including a thorough background check of all our pharmacists. Each of our pharmacists carries professional liability insurance to protect your practice and patients.
Cliniplex Rx™ is truly the answer to your pharmacy staffing challenges. Cliniplex Rx continues to succeed by providing our clients with quality professionals and excellent, fast customer service.
Customer excellence has always been a top priority and it always will be. Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to serving you!
Our Mission
We are your best partner in the provision of advanced pharmaceutical care
Our mission is to establish great business relations with our clients by providing quality clinical pharmacy solutions to improve therapeutic outcomes.